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🔥 Unveiling Patent Power: Taking On Twitch’s Content Dominance! 🚫📺
Allow me to shed light on the immense power held by a patent, particularly mine. Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and Twitch, needs to acknowledge that I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., CEO of TV Knows You.com, possess complete rights over all content streamed on Twitch. Without my authorization, they lack the right to stream live on Twitch. This legal authority empowers me to take necessary steps to halt their activities using law enforcement. Every streamer on Twitch must obtain a license, or I will initiate an injunction to permanently cease Twitch's operations. During this time, I intend to monetize the content. Let it be known that this content belongs to my intellectual property. Similar to placing a car or debris on one's physical property, I can seize, sell, or dispose of such property. As Twitch blatantly disregards my claims on my two federal patents by trampling over them, I will monetize the content for now. There's potential for a federal judge to hold Twitch accountable, as they are legally meant to collaborate with me, not Jeff Bezos. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that only the owner of these two patents, myself, has the authority to enforce them. If I don't take action, no one else will.
Allow me to shed light on the immense power held by a patent, particularly mine.Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and Twitch, needs to acknowledge that I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., CEO of TV Knows You.com, possess complete rights over all content streamed on Twitch. Without my authorization, they lack the right to stream live on Twitch. This legal authority empowers me to take necessary steps to halt their activities using law enforcement. Every streamer on Twitch must obtain a license, or I will initiate an injunction to permanently cease Twitch's operations. During this time, I intend to monetize the content. Let it be known that this content belongs to my intellectual property. Similar to placing a car or debris on one's physical property, I can seize, sell, or dispose of such property. As Twitch blatantly disregards my claims on my two federal patents by trampling over them, I will monetize the content for now. There's potential for a federal judge to hold Twitch accountable, as they are legally meant to collaborate with me, not Jeff Bezos. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that only the owner of these two patents, myself, has the authority to enforce them. If I don't take action, no one else will.
Allow me to shed light on the immense power held by a patent, particularly mine.
Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and Twitch, needs to acknowledge that I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., CEO of TV Knows You.com, possess complete rights over all content streamed on Twitch. Without my authorization, they lack the right to stream live on Twitch. This legal authority empowers me to take necessary steps to halt their activities using law enforcement.
Every streamer on Twitch must obtain a license, or I will initiate an injunction to permanently cease Twitch's operations. During this time, I intend to monetize the content. Let it be known that this content belongs to my intellectual property. Similar to placing a car or debris on one's physical property, I can seize, sell, or dispose of such property. As Twitch blatantly disregards my claims on my two federal patents by trampling over them, I will monetize the content for now. There's potential for a federal judge to hold Twitch accountable, as they are legally meant to collaborate with me, not Jeff Bezos.
Additionally, it's crucial to understand that only the owner of these two patents, myself, has the authority to enforce them. If I don't take action, no one else will.

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