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Open Letter to President Biden: Urgent Calls for Action on Global Issues and Personal Encounters with Spiritual Forces!
Dear President Biden,I urge you to address the complex geopolitical issues with China, Iran, and specifically Russia. Being born in Las Vegas and losing just about everything I own in Las Vegas, except my two patents, has given me a unique perspective. I know for a fact that Las Vegas had a Jewish mayor in the past, who immigrated from the west coast and served during a major period of oppression in my life spent in Las Vegas, NV. In my opinion, Las Vegas, NV, is just a terrible place. But, needless to say, half of the Jewish American population lives either in Las Vegas or somewhere in New York. The oppression against Hispanics is probably greater in New York than it is here in Las Vegas, especially with no truck stops. Every time I go near New York, I either get parking tickets for having to legally shut down to take my 10-hour break or wait for a load. Regardless, Las Vegas is a target for all those people upset with our Jewish population, especially when I describe the hell that we endure living under Jewish rule. I love Jesus, and Jesus came from the Israel population. This Jewish slaughter must really give much pain to Jesus, even though he was slaughtered by his own fellow Jewish family. But Jesus has warned us that anyone attempting to destroy his people in Israel will lose that war. So, Mr. Biden, let that be your strength and security. If Jesus is for you, no one, I repeat, no one can be against you. The Jews are very unique people, but Jesus still loves each and every one of them. Our job as Americans is to protect the family of Jesus, which is the foundation of America. Christianity is the foundation of America. Mr. Biden, coincidentally, I asked you the day before Israel was attacked to address China, Russia, and Iran in the morning out of intuition, and suddenly, in the morning, Israel was on the news as being attacked and funded by Iran, which you and Obama gave billions of dollars to in the recent past. Shame on you for that. Last night, things were thrown around in my room, and someone with a human foot kicked the inside of my locked bedroom door with his or her foot, which I'm assuming was Jesus because he was in deep pain after his family got slaughtered. Me and Jesus are really close, and I'm there to share his pain, and he is here to share my pain. I don't think it was a ghost; I feel it was Jesus. I'm sure that slaughter hurt our father, though Art in heaven. So today, I ask you, President Biden, to stop being hesitant and take action against Putin.
Open Letter to President Biden: Urgent Calls for Action on Global Issues and Personal Encounters with Spiritual Forces!
Dear President Biden,
I urge you to address the complex geopolitical issues with China, Iran, and specifically Russia.
Being born in Las Vegas and losing just about everything I own in Las Vegas, except my two patents, has given me a unique perspective.
I know for a fact that Las Vegas had a Jewish mayor in the past, who immigrated from the west coast and served during a major period of oppression in my life spent in Las Vegas, NV. In my opinion, Las Vegas, NV, is just a terrible place.
But, needless to say, half of the Jewish American population lives either in Las Vegas or somewhere in New York.
The oppression against Hispanics is probably greater in New York than it is here in Las Vegas, especially with no truck stops. Every time I go near New York, I either get parking tickets for having to legally shut down to take my 10-hour break or wait for a load.
Regardless, Las Vegas is a target for all those people upset with our Jewish population, especially when I describe the hell that we endure living under Jewish rule.
I love Jesus, and Jesus came from the Israel population. This Jewish slaughter must really give much pain to Jesus, even though he was slaughtered by his own fellow Jewish family.
But Jesus has warned us that anyone attempting to destroy his people in Israel will lose that war.
So, Mr. Biden, let that be your strength and security. If Jesus is for you, no one, I repeat, no one can be against you.
The Jews are very unique people, but Jesus still loves each and every one of them.
Our job as Americans is to protect the family of Jesus, which is the foundation of America. Christianity is the foundation of America.
Mr. Biden, coincidentally, I asked you the day before Israel was attacked to address China, Russia, and Iran in the morning out of intuition, and suddenly, in the morning, Israel was on the news as being attacked and funded by Iran, which you and Obama gave billions of dollars to in the recent past.
Shame on you for that.
Last night, things were thrown around in my room, and someone with a human foot kicked the inside of my locked bedroom door with his or her foot, which I'm assuming was Jesus because he was in deep pain after his family got slaughtered.
Me and Jesus are really close, and I'm there to share his pain, and he is here to share my pain.
I don't think it was a ghost; I feel it was Jesus.
I'm sure that slaughter hurt our father, though Art in heaven.
So today, I ask you, President Biden, to stop being hesitant and take action against Putin.
Carta Abierta al Presidente Biden: Llamados Urgentes a la Acción sobre Problemas Globales y Encuentros Personales con Fuerzas Espirituales.
Estimado Presidente Biden,
Le insto a abordar los complejos problemas geopolíticos con China, Irán y, específicamente, Rusia.
Nacer en Las Vegas y perder casi todo lo que poseo en Las Vegas, excepto mis dos patentes, me ha dado una perspectiva única.
Sé con certeza que Las Vegas tuvo en el pasado un alcalde judío que emigró desde la costa oeste y sirvió durante un período importante de opresión en mi vida en Las Vegas, NV. En mi opinión, Las Vegas, NV, es simplemente un lugar terrible.
Pero, dicho sea de paso, la mitad de la población judía estadounidense vive ya sea en Las Vegas o en algún lugar de Nueva York.
La opresión contra los hispanos probablemente sea mayor en Nueva York que aquí en Las Vegas, especialmente sin paradas de camiones. Cada vez que me acerco a Nueva York, recibo multas de estacionamiento por tener que cerrar legalmente para tomar mi descanso de 10 horas o esperar por una carga.
Independientemente, Las Vegas es un objetivo para todas aquellas personas molestas con nuestra población judía, especialmente cuando describo el infierno que soportamos viviendo bajo el dominio judío.
Amo a Jesús, y Jesús proviene de la población de Israel. Esta matanza judía debe causarle mucho dolor a Jesús, aunque fue asesinado por su propia familia judía.
Pero Jesús nos ha advertido que cualquiera que intente destruir a su pueblo en Israel perderá esa guerra.
Así que, señor Biden, que eso sea su fortaleza y seguridad. Si Jesús está a favor suyo, nadie, repito, nadie puede estar en su contra.
Los judíos son personas muy singulares, pero Jesús aún los ama a cada uno de ellos.
Nuestra tarea como estadounidenses es proteger la familia de Jesús, que es el fundamento de Estados Unidos. El cristianismo es la base de América.
Señor Biden, casualmente, le pedí el día antes de que Israel fuera atacado que abordara China, Rusia e Irán por la mañana por intuición y, de repente, por la mañana, Israel estaba en las noticias como siendo atacado y financiado por Irán, al cual usted y Obama le dieron miles de millones de dólares en el pasado reciente.
Vergonzoso por eso.
Anoche, las cosas fueron arrojadas en mi habitación y alguien con un pie humano golpeó el interior de la puerta cerrada de mi habitación con su pie, que supongo que era Jesús porque estaba sufriendo mucho después de que su familia fuera masacrada.
Jesús y yo somos muy cercanos, estoy aquí para compartir su dolor y él está aquí para compartir mi dolor.
No creo que haya sido un fantasma, siento que fue Jesús.
Estoy seguro de que esa masacre hirió a nuestro Padre, aunque esté en el cielo.
Así que hoy le pido, Presidente Biden, que deje de dudar y tome medidas contra Putin.

Dear President Biden, I urge you to address the complex geopolitical issues with China, Iran, and specifically Russia. Being born in Las Vegas and losing just about everything I own in Las Vegas, except my two patents, has given me a unique perspective. I know for a fact that Las Vegas had a Jewish mayor in the past, who immigrated from the west coast and served during a major period of oppression in my life spent in Las Vegas, NV. In my opinion, Las Vegas, NV, is just a terrible place. But, needless to say, half of the Jewish American population lives either in Las Vegas or somewhere in New York. The oppression against Hispanics is probably greater in New York than it is here in Las Vegas, especially with no truck stops. Every time I go near New York, I either get parking tickets for having to legally shut down to take my 10-hour break or wait for a load. Regardless, Las Vegas is a target for all those people upset with our Jewish population, especially when I describe the hell that we endure living under Jewish rule. I love Jesus, and Jesus came from the Israel population. This Jewish slaughter must really give much pain to Jesus, even though he was slaughtered by his own fellow Jewish family. But Jesus has warned us that anyone attempting to destroy his people in Israel will lose that war. So, Mr. Biden, let that be your strength and security. If Jesus is for you, no one, I repeat, no one can be against you. The Jews are very unique people, but Jesus still loves each and every one of them. Our job as Americans is to protect the family of Jesus, which is the foundation of America. Christianity is the foundation of America. Mr. Biden, coincidentally, I asked you the day before Israel was attacked to address China, Russia, and Iran in the morning out of intuition, and suddenly, in the morning, Israel was on the news as being attacked and funded by Iran, which you and Obama gave billions of dollars to in the recent past. Shame on you for that. Last night, things were thrown around in my room, and someone with a human foot kicked the inside of my locked bedroom door with his or her foot, which I'm assuming was Jesus because he was in deep pain after his family got slaughtered. Me and Jesus are really close, and I'm there to share his pain, and he is here to share my pain. I don't think it was a ghost; I feel it was Jesus. I'm sure that slaughter hurt our father, though Art in heaven. So today, I ask you, President Biden, to stop being hesitant and take action against Putin.

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