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From Vegas to Jerusalem: A Christian’s View on Freedom, Surveillance, and the Need for Jesus
From Vegas to Jerusalem: A Christian's View on Freedom, Surveillance, and the Need for Jesus
From Vegas to Jerusalem: A Christian's View on Freedom, Surveillance, and the Need for Jesus
  From Vegas to Jerusalem: A Christian's View on

Freedom, Surveillance, and the Need for Jesus

Being born in Vegas, I consider Las Vegas, NV just another Gaza controlled by Jews, given that we've had a Jewish mayor for at least the last two decades, if not more.

Most of the Jews in the United States live either in New York or Las Vegas, NV. However, us Christians don't harm our Jewish neighbors; we love them, as that's what Jesus wants us to do. He teaches us to love everyone, be joyful, and spread the word that Jesus is the Savior of the world.

We tolerate the extensive wireless surveillance and constant monitoring by various groups, including the Jews, the racist rednecks, and other non-Christians out there.

Having been born in Las Vegas, I've observed that now you need to pay a fee to visit Lake Mead. This change seems to have been brought from the East Coast with a toll road mentality, which, in turn, connects to Jewish strategies for controlling the public.

As of now, Las Vegas feels like nothing more than a prison without walls, where everyone is under constant surveillance by various entities. The annual electronics show in Vegas showcases new electronic hardware and computer software for population control worldwide.

Being born in Vegas, I consider Las Vegas, NV just another Gaza controlled by Jews, given that we've had a Jewish mayor for at least the last two decades, if not more.
Being born in Vegas, I consider Las Vegas, NV just another Gaza controlled by Jews, given that we've had a Jewish mayor for at least the last two decades, if not more.

However, if you seek God, you must recognize the existence of evil. The Jews have the Western Wall, which serves as a direct line of communication to God. But as Christians, we believe we don't need an altar to communicate with God. We have the Holy Spirit, left by Jesus on Earth, to facilitate communication with Him and God. This Holy Trinity consists of God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.

Truly, in this age of advanced technology, it often feels like there are very few places on Earth that aren't a prison without bars. From my perspective, I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., firmly believe that humanity needs Jesus to assume control over all aspects of our lives.

Las Vegas, Christian perspective, Jewish community, surveillance, religious beliefs, population control, Lake Mead, religious tolerance, Holy Trinity, Jesus's role, modern technology, need for Jesus, Gabriel De La Vega Jr.

Most of the Jews in the United States live either in New York or Las Vegas, NV. However, us Christians don't harm our Jewish neighbors; we love them, as that's what Jesus wants us to do. He teaches us to love everyone, be joyful, and spread the word that Jesus is the Savior of the world.
Most of the Jews in the United States live either in New York or Las Vegas, NV. However, us Christians don't harm our Jewish neighbors; we love them, as that's what Jesus wants us to do. He teaches us to love everyone, be joyful, and spread the word that Jesus is the Savior of the world.


De Las Vegas a Jerusalén: La Perspectiva de un Cristiano sobre la Libertad, la Vigilancia y la Necesidad de Jesús

Habiendo nacido en Las Vegas, considero que Las Vegas, NV es simplemente otra Gaza controlada por judíos, dado que hemos tenido un alcalde judío durante al menos las últimas dos décadas, si no más.

La mayoría de los judíos en los Estados Unidos viven en Nueva York o Las Vegas, NV. Sin embargo, nosotros, los cristianos, no dañamos a nuestros vecinos judíos; los amamos, ya que eso es lo que Jesús quiere que hagamos. Él nos enseña a amar a todos, ser alegres y difundir la palabra de que Jesús es el Salvador del mundo.

Toleramos la extensa vigilancia inalámbrica y el monitoreo constante por parte de varios grupos, incluyendo a los judíos, los racistas y otros no cristianos.

Habiendo nacido en Las Vegas, he observado que ahora debes pagar una tarifa para visitar el Lago Mead. Este cambio parece haber sido traído desde la Costa Este con una mentalidad de carretera de peaje, que a su vez se relaciona con las estrategias judías para controlar al público.

En la actualidad, Las Vegas parece ser nada más que una prisión sin muros, donde todos están bajo una vigilancia constante por parte de varias entidades. La feria anual de electrónica en Las Vegas presenta nuevo hardware electrónico y software de computadora para el control de la población en todo el mundo.

Sin embargo, si buscas a Dios, debes reconocer la existencia del mal. Los judíos tienen el Muro de los Lamentos, que sirve como una línea directa de comunicación con Dios. Pero como cristianos, creemos que no necesitamos un altar para comunicarnos con Dios. Tenemos el Espíritu Santo, dejado por Jesús en la Tierra, para facilitar la comunicación con Él y Dios. Esta Santa Trinidad consta de Dios, el Espíritu Santo y Jesús.

Realmente, en esta era de tecnología avanzada, a menudo parece que hay muy pocos lugares en la Tierra que no son una prisión sin rejas. Desde mi perspectiva, yo, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., creo firmemente que la humanidad necesita que Jesús asuma el control de todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas.


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