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How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix – And Why I’m Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

The Grand Prix generates a whopping $500 million for the races on the renowned Las Vegas Strip, which is my home. Gabriel De La Vega Jr., the CEO of TV Knows You..com, Inc., makes it mandatory for all drivers to have a wireless live streaming video license from his site: https://tvknowsyou.com. Otherwise, they could infringe on my federal patent for live-streaming technology.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

I wanted to work as a barricade flagger and I had a hard and long interview, but they rejected me. I feel very hurt and mad, as if there is some corruption and unfairness behind it.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

I sense something wrong, a massive corruption that spreads beyond the city, perhaps even the world. I have been having financial troubles in Las Vegas for nearly a year. Most people, even federal judges, seem to be part of patent infringement, neglecting their duty to respect my patent rights. It's shocking.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke


Cómo Exponer un Escándalo de Corrupción de $500 Millones en el Gran Premio - Y Por Qué Sigo Estando Quebrado

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

El Gran Premio genera una asombrosa suma de 500 millones de dólares para las carreras en la famosa Strip de Las Vegas, que es mi hogar. Gabriel De La Vega Jr., el CEO de TV Knows You.com, Inc., hace obligatorio que todos los conductores tengan una licencia de transmisión de video en vivo inalámbrica de su sitio: https://tvknowsyou.com. De lo contrario, podrían infringir mi patente federal de tecnología de transmisión en vivo.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

Quería trabajar como banderillero de barricadas y tuve una entrevista larga y difícil, pero me rechazaron. Me siento muy herido y enojado, como si hubiera alguna corrupción e injusticia detrás de esto.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

Siento algo mal, una corrupción masiva que se extiende más allá de la ciudad, quizás incluso al mundo. He estado teniendo problemas financieros en Las Vegas durante casi un año. La mayoría de las personas, incluso los jueces federales, parecen estar involucrados en la infracción de patentes, descuidando su deber de respetar mis derechos de patente. Es impactante.

How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke
How I Exposed a $500 Million Corruption Scandal in the Grand Prix - And Why I'm Still Broke

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