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How a Craigslist Con Artist and His Iranian Gang Stole Phones, Watches, and Money from Unsuspecting Victims
  How a Craigslist Con Artist and His Iranian Gang Stole Phones, Watches, and Money from Unsuspecting Victims

Charges against “Alex Lopez”

1)- Running a illegitimate

Business off of Craigslist.

2)- Setting Up the Interview

In a public Location which

Is Trespassing then transferring

The interview to his Vehicle from the

Outside tables at Whole Foods at the mall at the end of the strip near the Luxor

3)- Within the first 5-10 minutes of the

Interview Alex and his other two crew mates with cars get

People to pull up their

Phone account on their

Phone then grab their phone

and  say let me look,

then immediately pay

their phone bill

with a checking account that

Alex and his crew  know will be overdrawn

in a week or two.

4). After that they drive out of

The parking lot and area / vicinity

knowing the victims

have no money to get a

Taxi or other ways of getting

back to their vehicle or else letting go

of money they do have to get back to

their vehicle.

5) - After I took a picture of

Alex sitting next to me

in the car getting ready to jump out

at the next stop light,

Alex grabbed my phone

while driving around 50 miles per

and deleted his pictures

saying just trust me it was

my credit card it was not fraudulent.

6) - “ Alex Lopez” convinced me it was

a legitimate business and even

showed me his company’s business

name on his cell phone

and claims he’s been doing this

for 14 years.

7) - With no money in my

pocket and my phone

bill paid I felt I would give him

A chance to prove my suspicions

Since I own 60 acres of land

and I also own a patent portfolio

worth $720 billion that needs to

be enforced by a federal Judge

I felt I Could eventually pay the bill

once my approved land refinance

was appraised and I got my

$50,000 cash out.

After he gained my trust and I studied the business application and my phone bill was actually paid from his checking account we then bought six watches at four  different stores I asked him to go inside with me on the first two purchases to get him on the store camera’s at each store since he forcefully deleted the pictures I took of him sitting next to me in the car traveling 50 miles per hour and was being aggressive.



1) - Kidnapping

2) - Running a Scam

Business From Craigs List

3) - Stealing my cell phone

To buy other phones on my

account by forcefully

inputting his account number

in my phone to trap me.

4) - Buying Watches to sell

To a buyer over seas mentioned Dubai as one of the Arab countries.

5) - I suspect his crew is

Using the watches to detonate

Bombs in the Israel / Palestine

Conflict because I caught

him talking Iranian on the phone.

He also mentioned:

“We take off the

Watch bands so the color

Doesn’t not matter”

In conclusion “Alex Lopez” is a scammer

claiming to live in Los Angeles and

working in Las Vegas with three new cars

and two other crew members he calls his

employees doing his same scam.

One of his other drivers is White just like any regular white person speaking white American English.

The other driver was sitting in the car at a Chevron station were all three scammers met with people in their cars that were victims like myself laughing and celebrating how much money they made while all of us victims were trapped in their cars just looking at each other in kinda of a horror not knowing exactly what was going on because we were all in the middle of a very well planned scam just trying to figure out what just happened.

Alex also claims to be mixed with a Iranian Persian decent and another parent being from Mexican decent.

So these scammers have got this scam down to a science and claim to be a legitimate business and after I studied it, it looked liked a import export business where we got $100.00 per watch our phone bill got paid and we helped other people who could not qualify for a phone get a phone through Alex Lopez’s genius business model and the other leftover  phones were shipped to a seller out of Dubai.

This all seemed like a win win for everyone even the phone companies if the lines were assumed by new buyers which I did verify in the T-Mobile store with the sales agent as being True.

Another person could assume the line and take responsibility for the phone and line .

So this all sounded great until the $550.00 payment Alex made for my phone bill came back from the bank as Maxed Out.

This looks like a generational plan made by the Iranian government to funnel phones and Apple watches and other equipment to Arab countries to be used in military applications or else just use the stolen merchandise to buy military equipment to blow up Jews and Christians.

This is real folks and just happened to me during the Thanksgiving holidays and I’m making this public to protect America and the world from this scam with all the detail s included because I took a oath as a Military Fighting Man to protect this country from foreign and domestic enemies and I just don’t know how far the corruption is up the pipeline of our USA Goverment before I make this police report  to the police and FBI .

I just can’t trust our own Federal government so I making this public so we can be informed as USA citizens and world Citizens to fight this Iranian country that is trying to kill all Jews, Christians and any other  human on earth with a religion that is not a Arab or Muslim religion  before I make the police and FBI report.

I know this is deep stuff.

But just look at all the blood around you now in a neighborhood near you.

In addition to that before the payment for my bill did not go through two days later Alex convinced me to go to Verizon and get another watch on my personal account with it being assumed by him paying someone else to get the line who needed it  through his business model.

This looks legit since I’m paying for the merchandise in my account and I’m not stealing anything and I’m willing to pay the bill because I have money that is tied up in real estate to cover the bill and this will just improve my credit anyway.

But at this time in the game it definitely looks like a well planned scam with a huge organization around the whole scam and I want my fellow Americans to feel my pain and to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else again by making public every detail that I can document to bring it to the surface for everyone to look at because our National Security is at stake and I just don’t know who to trust anymore since a federal judge named Alan D. Albright dismissed my first set of patent infringers due to the fact that the defendant’s lawyers Google, Facebook, Amazon / Twitch, IBM and Microsoft at the time were his fishing buddies and thank God a second patent was born were I can take all my patent infringers right back to court again.

So today I’m making this public because I can not even Trust our own USA federal government.

Everything looks evil and corrupt.

In conclusion I’m now in debt for $5,000 dollars worth of iPhone watches because no one before me could stop this scam because it looks like the majority of our Congress members are Muslim and wearing turbans on their heads to work.

Looks like we as Americans need to be informed about this corruption in a public dialogue before making the police and FBI report because no one is really going to do anything about it anyway.

It’s like oh well!

Not even at the federal level.

Judges are to busy with their fishing buddies to even bother with justice.

It’s like why do I not have money in my pocket now?

It’s simple!

Alan D. Albright the federal judge appointed by Trump did not do his job so I never got my patents enforced because the defendants were his fishing buddies with google now having a CEO who is from india and probably wears a topi on his head after work and praises a God who never rose from the dead like Jesus did.

Everyone I repeat everyone who is streaming wireless live video right now needs to go to https://tvknowsyou.com and buy a live streaming license right now and quit stealing my intellectual property.


Summary of allegations against "Alex Lopez":

- He advertised a fraudulent business on Craigslist, offering to pay phone bills for cash.

- He arranged to meet potential customers at a public place near the Luxor Mall on the Strip, then lured them into his car, which was a trespassing violation.

- He and his accomplices took the customers' phones, accessed their accounts, and paid their bills with a check that would bounce.

- He then drove away, leaving the customers stranded without money or transportation.

- He deleted any photos that the customers took of him or his car, claiming that he was not doing anything illegal.

- He showed a fake company name on his phone and claimed to have 14 years of experience in the business.

- He also used the customer's phone to buy more phones with his account details, and bought six watches at four stores, possibly for resale in foreign markets.

- He spoke in Iranian with his associates, raising suspicions of malicious intentions.

Possible charges:

- Kidnapping

- Fraud

- Theft

- Money laundering

The text suggests that "Alex Lopez" and his crew are running a sophisticated scam operation, using Craigslist, phones, and watches as tools. The authorities should investigate this matter urgently, as it may pose a threat to national and global security.


Once again:

Initially seen as advantageous for all parties involved, particularly the phone companies, especially if new purchasers were to take over the lines, as verified by a T-Mobile store sales agent.

The prospect of another individual taking on the phone line appeared hopeful.

Additionally, I receive $100.00 per phone.

However, optimism faded when Alex's $550 payment for my phone bill was rejected by the bank due to insufficient funds, leading to the lines remaining unclaimed by a prospective new user in need of a phone.

I strongly suspect that his crew intends to employ the purchased watches for detonating explosives in the Israel/Palestine conflict. I witnessed him engaging in Iranian conversations over the phone, which heightened my suspicion. Moreover, he stated: “We remove the watch bands anyway so the color doesn’t matter.”

Accusations against “Alex Lopez”:

1) Engaging in an illegitimate business via Craigslist.

2) Orchestrating a meeting in a public area, initially at the outside tables of Whole Foods near the Luxor Mall on the Strip, then transitioning to his vehicle, which amounts to trespassing.

3) Within the initial 5-10 minutes of the meeting, Alex and two associates coerce individuals to display their phone accounts, seize their phones, scrutinize the accounts, and promptly pay the phone bill from a checking account they know will soon be overdrawn.

4) Following this, they depart from the vicinity, leaving victims without funds for transportation back to their vehicles, essentially stranding them.


1) Kidnapping

2) Operating a fraudulent business through Craigslist

3) Theft of my cell phone to fraudulently purchase additional phones using his account details on my phone.

4) Purchasing watches, potentially for resale in Arab countries like Dubai, for purposes I suspect are malicious due to overheard Iranian conversations.

In conclusion, "Alex Lopez" and his crew, including associates driving three new cars, are perpetrating scams. I implore an immediate investigation by the authorities to protect the nation and global community from this threat.


Accusations against “Alex Lopez”

1) Engaging in an illegitimate business via Craigslist.

2) Orchestrating a meeting in a public area, initially at the outside tables of Whole Foods near the Luxor Mall on the Strip, then transitioning to his vehicle, which amounts to trespassing.

3) Within the initial 5-10 minutes of the meeting, Alex and two associates coerce individuals to display their phone accounts, seize their phones, scrutinize the accounts, and promptly pay the phone bill from a checking account they know will soon be overdrawn.

4) Following this, they depart from the vicinity, leaving victims without funds for transportation back to their vehicles, essentially stranding them.

5) After taking a photo of Alex sitting beside me in the car, Alex, driving at around 50 miles per hour, forcefully deleted the pictures, declaring it wasn't fraudulent.

6) “Alex Lopez” convinced me of the legitimacy of his business, exhibiting his company’s name on his cell phone and claiming a 14-year track record in this field.

7) With no money in my wallet and my phone bill paid, considering my substantial assets and patents, I intended to settle the bill post-land refinance, expecting $50,000 cash out.

After establishing potential trust, I checked my account to see if my bill was genuinely paid from his account.  It was so we purchased six watches at four stores, I attempting to record him on store cameras, as he deleted earlier photos taken at high speed, displaying aggression.


1) Kidnapping

2) Operating a fraudulent business through Craigslist

3) Theft of my cell phone to fraudulently purchase additional phones using his account details on my phone.

4) Purchasing watches, potentially for resale in Arab countries like Dubai, for purposes I suspect are malicious due to overheard Iranian conversations.

In conclusion, "Alex Lopez" and his crew, including associates driving three new cars, are perpetrating scams. I implore an immediate investigation by the authorities to protect the nation and global community from this threat.

  • Craigslist scam
  • Iranian gang
  • Phone theft
  • Watch smuggling
  • Bomb plot

1. Craigslist Con Artist

2. Iranian Gang Scam

3. Phone Theft Scheme

4. Unsuspecting Victims

5. Fraudulent Business Tactics

6. Trespassing Interviews

7. Whole Foods Scam

8. Overdrawn Account Scam

9. Stranding Victims

10. Deceptive Phone Bill Payments

11. High-Speed Deletion

12. 14-Year Business Claim

13. Patent Portfolio Scam

14. Import-Export Fraud

15. Dubious Watch Sales

16. Iranian Conversations

17. Military Equipment Suspicions

18. National Security Threat

19. Alleged Kidnapping

20. Tainted Federal System

21. Corruption Exposed

22. Patent Infringement

23. America's Safety at Risk

24. Judge Corruption

25. Intellectual Property Theft

- How a Craigslist Con Artist and His Iranian Gang Stole Phones, Watches, and Money from Unsuspecting Victims

- The Shocking Truth Behind the Iranian Gang's Phone and Watch Scam on Craigslist

- How a Fake Business on Craigslist Lured Victims into a Trespassing Trap and Robbed Them of Their Phones, Watches, and Cash

- The Whole Foods Scam: How an Iranian Gang Used a Public Place to Kidnap and Steal from Innocent Customers

- How a Fraudulent Phone Bill Payment Scheme Led to a Watch Smuggling Operation and a Possible Bomb Plot

- The 14-Year Business Claim That Fooled a Patent Owner and Cost Him His Phone, Watches, and Money

- How a Deceptive Import-Export Business on Craigslist Involved Phone Theft, Watch Sales, and Iranian Conversations

- The National Security Threat of a Craigslist Scam That Stole Phones, Watches, and Money from Stranded Victims

- How a High-Speed Deletion of Photos Exposed a Fraudulent Business on Craigslist That Kidnapped and Robbed People

- The Dubious Watch Sales That Raised Suspicions of Military Equipment and Corruption in a Craigslist Scam


¡Claro, aquí está la traducción al español!

Título: Cómo un estafador de Craigslist y su banda iraní robaron teléfonos, relojes y dinero a víctimas desprevenidas.

Cargos contra "Alex López"

1) - Operar un negocio ilegítimo a través de Craigslist.

2) - Establecer la entrevista en un lugar público que constituye allanamiento, luego trasladar la entrevista a su vehículo desde las mesas exteriores de Whole Foods en el centro comercial al final del Strip cerca del Luxor.

3) - En los primeros 5-10 minutos de la entrevista, Alex y sus otros dos compañeros con automóviles convencen a las personas para que muestren su cuenta de teléfono en su teléfono, luego agarran su teléfono y dicen "Déjame ver", luego pagan inmediatamente su factura de teléfono con una cuenta corriente que Alex y su equipo saben que se quedará sin fondos en una o dos semanas.

4) - Después de eso, se van del estacionamiento y la zona, sabiendo que las víctimas no tienen dinero para tomar un taxi u otra forma de regresar a sus vehículos o tendrían que desprenderse del dinero que tienen para volver a su vehículo.

5) - Después de tomar una foto de Alex sentado a mi lado en el auto, Alex agarró mi teléfono mientras conducía a alrededor de 50 millas por hora y eliminó sus fotos, diciendo "confía en mí, no fue fraudulento, era mi tarjeta de crédito".

6) - "Alex López" me convenció de que era un negocio legítimo e incluso me mostró el nombre de la empresa en su teléfono celular y afirmó que ha estado haciendo esto durante 14 años.

7) - Sin dinero en mi bolsillo y mi factura de teléfono pagada, sentí que le daría una oportunidad para probar mis sospechas, ya que poseo 60 acres de tierra y también tengo una cartera de patentes valorada en $720 mil millones que necesita ser ejecutada por un juez federal. Sentí que eventualmente podría pagar la factura una vez que se evaluara mi refinanciamiento de tierras aprobado y obtuviera mis $50,000 en efectivo.

Después de ganar mi confianza y estudiar la aplicación comercial, y ver que mi factura realmente fue pagada desde su cuenta corriente, compramos seis relojes en cuatro tiendas. Le pedí que entrara conmigo en las primeras dos compras para que quedara registrado en las cámaras de seguridad de cada tienda, ya que él había eliminado las fotos que le tomé mientras viajábamos a 50 millas por hora en el auto y estaba siendo agresivo.


1) - Secuestro

2) - Dirigir un negocio fraudulento a través de Craigslist

3) - Robo de mi teléfono celular para comprar otros teléfonos en mi cuenta ingresando su número de cuenta a la fuerza en mi teléfono para atraparme.

4) - Compra de relojes para vender a un comprador en el extranjero mencionando a Dubái como uno de los países árabes.

5) - Sospecho que su equipo está usando los relojes para detonar bombas en el conflicto de Israel / Palestina porque lo atrapé hablando iraní por teléfono.

Además, mencionó:

"Quitamos las correas de los relojes, así que el color no importa".

En conclusión, "Alex López" es un estafador que afirma vivir en Los Ángeles y trabajar en Las Vegas con tres automóviles nuevos y otros dos miembros de su equipo a los que llama empleados, todos haciendo la misma estafa.

Uno de sus otros conductores es blanco, como cualquier persona blanca promedio que habla inglés estadounidense.

El otro conductor estaba en el auto en una estación Chevron donde los tres estafadores se reunieron con personas en sus autos que fueron víctimas como yo, riéndose y celebrando cuánto dinero habían ganado, mientras todos nosotros, las víctimas, estábamos atrapados en sus autos, mirándonos unos a otros con una especie de horror, sin saber exactamente qué estaba pasando porque estábamos en medio de una estafa muy bien planeada, tratando de averiguar qué acababa de suceder.

Entonces, estos estafadores han perfeccionado esta estafa como si fuera una ciencia y afirman ser un negocio legítimo. Y después de estudiarlo, parecía ser un negocio de importación-exportación en el que obtuvimos $100.00 por reloj, pagamos nuestra factura de teléfono y ayudamos a otras personas que no podían calificar para un teléfono a través del genial modelo de negocio de Alex López, y los otros teléfonos sobrantes se enviaron a un vendedor en Dubái.

Esto parecía una situación en la que todos ganaban, incluso las compañías de teléfonos si las líneas eran asumidas por nuevos compradores, lo cual verifiqué en la tienda de T-Mobile con el agente de ventas como cierto.

Otra persona podría asumir la línea y hacerse responsable del teléfono y la línea.

Pero todo esto pareció desmoronarse cuando el pago de $550.00 que hizo Alex por mi factura de teléfono fue rechazado por el banco por exceder el límite de crédito.

Esto parece un plan generacional hecho por el gobierno iraní para canalizar teléfonos, relojes Apple y otro equipo a países árabes para su uso en aplicaciones militares o simplemente para comprar equipos militares para explotar judíos y cristianos.

Esto es real y acaba de sucederme durante las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, y lo estoy haciendo público para proteger a América y al mundo de esta estafa con todos los detalles incluidos porque juré como un hombre militar luchar por proteger este país de enemigos extranjeros y domésticos, y simplemente no sé hasta qué punto llega la corrupción en nuestro gobierno de EE. UU. antes de presentar este informe a la policía y al FBI.

Simplemente no puedo confiar en nuestro propio gobierno federal, así que lo hago público para que estemos informados como ciudadanos estadounidenses y ciudadanos del mundo para luchar contra este país iraní que está tratando de matar a todos los judíos, cristianos y cualquier otro ser humano en la Tierra que no siga una religión árabe o musulmana, antes de presentar el informe a la policía y al FBI.

Sé que esto es serio.

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