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Hello everyone,

I’m Gabriel De La Vega Jr.,

CEO of TVKnowsYou.com

Today, I want to talk to you about something extremely important and urgent.

Don't fall for the lies about Trump getting shot in the ear. It was a setup.

Trump and his bodyguards fabricated the incident to make him appear as a victim. They staged the whole event to create an excuse for him to claim toughness, to con the world into believing that he is invincible.

In reality, he’s just an actor, deceiving America out of its money and resources. This entire charade is part of a larger plan to manipulate public perception and maintain control.

We need to open our eyes and see the truth behind these orchestrated events. It's crucial for us to recognize the manipulation and deceit at play here.

By spreading awareness, we can prevent ourselves from being fooled by these staged acts. We must stay vigilant and question the narratives being fed to us.

Join me in exposing the truth and standing up against this deceit. Share this video, talk to your friends and family, and let's make sure everyone knows the reality of the situation.

Thank you for watching. Together, we can make a difference and protect ourselves from being deceived.

Confirmed FBI Agent
Confirmed FBI Agent
The Truth About Prophecies: Unveiling the Real Agenda Behind Trump's Alleged Assassination Plot
The Truth About Prophecies: Unveiling the Real Agenda Behind Trump's Alleged Assassination Plot

In terms of the prophet seeing the vision of Trump being shot in the ear.

First, there are two types of prophets. The first type is the prophet receiving messages from the Holy Spirit attached to Jesus and God.

The second prophet is the prophet receiving messages from Lucifer and those are the ones not preaching the RAPTURE!

In this case, the prophet who saw Trump being shot in the ear does not see the RAPTURE but only sees Trump winning the election.

The prophets from God see the RAPTURE happening any minute and do not see an election with God's people in it but only see the tribulation happening during the month of the 2024 election.

In conclusion, the prophet was getting messages from Satan who was part of this master plan of deceiving the world into believing Trump was shot by Democrats to help Trump win the election.

In reality, we know Trump.

Would Trump set up his own assassination to make himself look like a convicted rapist running for president as a victim?

The answer is most definitely YES!"

Trump is a Disaster
Trump is a Disaster
Mathematical Proof of Multiple Shooters
Mathematical Proof of Multiple Shooters
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