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Facebook Infringing on Patented Inventions? CEO Demands Action
I am writing to inform you that your company, Facebook Inc., is infringing on my patented inventions, specifically US Patent Nos. 10,958,961 B2 and 10,205,986 B2. I am the owner of these patents, and I have not authorized Facebook to use or sell any products or services that infringe on these patents.
Therefore, I am demanding that Facebook immediately cease and desist from all use, sale, and distribution of any products or services that infringe on these patents. This includes, but is not limited to, any live streaming services, features, or functionality offered by Facebook.
I am also demanding that Facebook provide me with a written confirmation within 30 days of receipt of this letter that it has ceased all use, sale, and distribution of any products or services that infringe on my patents.
Please be advised that failure to comply with this demand may result in legal action against Facebook, including a lawsuit for patent infringement. I am willing to take all necessary legal steps to protect my intellectual property rights.
"Should Facebook wish to discuss a possible resolution of this matter, I am open to exploring options that would enable Facebook to continue using my patented inventions in a lawful manner. However, any such resolution would require Facebook to purchase a developer's license from me. The cost for such a license would be negotiated in good faith and based on a fair and reasonable percentage of Facebook's gross revenue from any products or services that use my patented inventions. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to further discuss this option."
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me at 702-545-2632 or CEO@tvknowsyou.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Gabriel De La Vega Jr.
CEO / TV Knows You.com, Inc.

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