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Exposing Airbnb’s Dark Web Scandal: CEO Gabriel De La Vega Jr. Fights for Justice Against Live Stream Exploitation!
Exposing Airbnb's Dark Web Scandal: CEO Gabriel De La Vega Jr. Fights for Justice Against Live Stream Exploitation!
Exposing Airbnb's Dark Web Scandal: CEO Gabriel De La Vega Jr. Fights for Justice Against Live Stream Exploitation!

I'm extremely outraged that Airbnb has used my patented technology to live stream renters engaging in intimate activities without their knowledge. Airbnb is allegedly making billions from this illicit side hustle by streaming this content on the dark web, exploiting my live streaming patent. This perverse activity is contributing to a moral collapse in society.

My heart goes out to all the victims who have been subjected to such egregious violations by Airbnb. These innocent people have been live-streamed without their consent, and millions of viewers on private dark web networks are indulging in this sickening invasion of privacy.

Airbnb claims that traditional contracts and laws shield them from lawsuits, leaving victims defenseless. However, my federally issued patents protect my technology, and I intend to hold Airbnb accountable.

As a US Coast Guard veteran with an honorable discharge, I swore to protect the United States from domestic and foreign enemies. I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., CEO of TVKnowsYou.com, plan to present this case to the United States Congress, allowing all victims to use my patents to sue Airbnb for billions of dollars. The profits will be split 60/40, with 60% going to the victims and 40% to TVKnowsYou.com.

I now have a donation button set up on https://pissed.booksandcash.com so victims can contribute to the litigation fund. Their donations will help establish the legal case against Airbnb for using my patented technology to commit these crimes.

I also demand that this be treated as a criminal case and that Airbnb's CEO and all responsible officers be imprisoned for life without parole.

Donate immediately so we can start the legal battle for justice and fight against this evil. Save your receipt as proof of donation to receive a share of the lawsuit settlement. Whether you have been directly affected or disturbed by this news, your support is crucial in our journey to justice.

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Airbnb scandal

live stream exploitation

dark web

Gabriel De La Vega Jr.


patent infringement

privacy invasion

illegal live streaming

lawsuit against Airbnb

justice for victims

US Coast Guard veteran

federal patent protection

donate for justice

Airbnb perversion

victim support

dark web streaming

tech patent violation

online privacy abuse

class action lawsuit

Airbnb dark web lawsuit

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