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The Missing Piece: How Racial Bias Keeps America in Debt – Explained by Gabriel De La Vega Jr.
The Missing Piece: How Racial Bias Keeps America in Debt - Explained by Gabriel De La Vega Jr.
The Missing Piece: How Racial Bias Keeps America in Debt - Explained by Gabriel De La Vega Jr.
The Cost of Racism: How Ignoring Mexican American Inventors is Sinking the U.S. Economy
  Let's get straight to the point. Today, we're focusing on America's financial state and how we got here. Consider this scenario: Imagine someone invents a product, patents it, and it's generating $720 billion annually. Wouldn't it make sense to ensure this inventor is compensated to continue creating wealth that benefits everyone? Think of this situation like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece. A puzzle worth over $700 billion is useless if one piece is missing. This single missing piece renders the entire puzzle valueless. Now, imagine the puzzle's owner has 30 other puzzles, each worth the same, but all are missing one piece. This missing piece makes the puzzles worthless, leaving the owner unable to sell any and cover expenses, ultimately leading to financial ruin. Let's say America owns these puzzles and holds the missing pieces but refuses to use them because the key piece is a Mexican American. This metaphor illustrates why the USA is in debt. Many of today's major intellectual property creators are Mexican Americans, like myself. Yet, the courts, influenced by racial bias, refuse to enforce our patents. This refusal prevents us from realizing the value of our creations. If this scenario is multiplied by 10 or 20 similar cases, America's debt remains unpaid due to racial tensions, where laws favor those at the top of the social hierarchy. We Hispanics are often denied the chance to succeed in America, contributing to the nation's ongoing debt issues. https://TVKnowsYou.com https://Pissed.BooksandCash.com https://HearJesusHere.com  
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