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Controversial School Curriculum Sparks Debate Over Homosexuality and Climate Change
The fact that this is somehow even debatable is totally beyond belief and is a blatant testament to overwhelming evidence that our school children are being taught, "You don’t get to eat your school lunch unless you are homosexual," all the way up the hierarchy of human development and sustainable life on planet Earth. This is totally the wrong education for a child who came out of a woman's womb, versus a homosexual test tube, designed by homosexuals who got time off from a regular job because they were married to a homosexual that is married to a homosexual, and so on. It doesn't really take any kind of intelligence to understand why we have global warming and the debt ceiling up into the stratosphere of space. God calls this an abomination in the eyes of God and rewards this kind of behavior with heat, fire, and famine. We are now at that pivotal time in human history where man may become an extinct species due to this homosexual influence being installed in our children. It's done using the force of the federal government to issue penalties for not allowing homosexuals to rule our planet, which is totally unproductive.
The fact that this is somehow even debatable is totally beyond belief and is a blatant testament to overwhelming evidence that our school children are being taught, "You don’t get to eat your school lunch unless you are homosexual," all the way up the hierarchy of human development and sustainable life on planet Earth. This is totally the wrong education for a child who came out of a woman's womb, versus a homosexual test tube, designed by homosexuals who got time off from a regular job because they were married to a homosexual that is married to a homosexual, and so on.It doesn't really take any kind of intelligence to understand why we have global warming and the debt ceiling up into the stratosphere of space. God calls this an abomination in the eyes of God and rewards this kind of behavior with heat, fire, and famine. We are now at that pivotal time in human history where man may become an extinct species due to this homosexual influence being installed in our children. It's done using the force of the federal government to issue penalties for not allowing homosexuals to rule our planet, which is totally unproductive.
The fact that this is somehow even debatable is totally beyond belief and is a blatant testament to overwhelming evidence that our school children are being taught, "You don’t get to eat your school lunch unless you are homosexual," all the way up the hierarchy of human development and sustainable life on planet Earth. This is totally the wrong education for a child who came out of a woman's womb, versus a homosexual test tube, designed by homosexuals who got time off from a regular job because they were married to a homosexual that is married to a homosexual, and so on.
It doesn't really take any kind of intelligence to understand why we have global warming and the debt ceiling up into the stratosphere of space.
God calls this an abomination in the eyes of God and rewards this kind of behavior with heat, fire, and famine.
We are now at that pivotal time in human history where man may become an extinct species due to this homosexual influence being installed in our children. It's done using the force of the federal government to issue penalties for not allowing homosexuals to rule our planet, which is totally unproductive.

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